11 May, 2009


Congratulations Ben Southall!!!

After a worldwide search, Tourism Queensland have appointed their new Islands Caretaker.

A British charity worker has won the so-called “best job in the world.”
For the next six months, Ben Southall, who’s 34 and from Hampshire in southern England, will be caretaker of an Australian tropical island.

Even I congratulate Anjaan too...


The Scientist and the Frog

Once there was a scientist was studying about frogs. One day, the scientist put the frog on the ground and told it to jump. The frog jumped four feet.
So the scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with four feet jumps four feet."

The scientist cut off one of one of the frog’s legs. The scientist told the frog to jump. Frog jumped three feet.

So the scientist wrote in his note book, "Frog with three feet jumps three feet."

The scientist cut of another leg. He told the frog to jump. The frog jumped two feet.
So the scientist wrote in his notebook "Frog with two feet jumps two feet."

The scientist cut off one more leg. He told the frog to jump. Frog jumped one foot.

So the scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with one foot jumps one foot."
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The scientist cut off his last leg and "He said, "Frog jump. Frog jump. FROG JUMP!"
So the scientist wrote in his notebook, "Frog with no feet goes deaf."